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In 2019 Aloft Integrated Wellness approached Core Physicians with an idea - what if, rather than waiting for signs of emotional distress to emerge, we partnered together to look at a child's mental health as part of their overall health. The same as we do for vision, hearing and other forms of development.
We are excited to announce that in October 2020 we will officially launch Whole Child Visits at Core Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine-Stratham.
What is the Whole Child Visit?
The Whole Child Visit is a complementary addition to your child’s yearly Well Child Visit that specifically addresses emotional health and life stresses. Our goal is to help with current concerns or identify future concerns and be proactive. We are currently scheduling Whole Child Visits for children/adolescents ages 5-18. This is a voluntary service.
How do I schedule a Whole Child Visit?
If you are interested in a Whole Child Visit please call Aloft at (603) 912-0484 or email The Enhanced Care Coordinator will assist you in scheduling an appointment and will assign you an Aloft clinician.
This appointment will be scheduled prior to your child’s Well Child Visit so that your child’s pediatric care team will have the results to address your whole child.
After scheduling an appointment, you will be sent an intake questionnaire and age appropriate surveys through our HIPAA compliant portal. This process allows us to establish a baseline measure of your child's social-emotional development.
Where will the results be shared?
Results of the initial appointment will be reviewed with parents at a follow-up appointment, and with permission, shared with your pediatric care team.
Whole Child Visit reports are considered protected health information through HIPAA and require signed releases of information to be shared.
How much will Whole Child Visits cost?
This service is covered by most health insurance plans. Co-pays and deductibles may apply.
Contact your child’s insurance carrier to determine if your Aloft clinician is in or out of your plan’s network. Services are billed as Outpatient Psychotherapy under your plan’s behavioral health coverage and billed using CPT codes 96127, 90791 and 90837.
What if the Whole Child Visit reveal areas of concern?
Concerns will be discussed with your family and your pediatric provider and school teams if necessary. We will work to collaborate on a treatment plan. Aloft clinicians can provide short-term therapy or refer to other community providers as needed.
Other services offered by Aloft include nutrition counseling with a Registered Dietician, mindfulness training, parenting classes, and sports psychology sessions. Additionally, our partners at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry can provide support to the Aloft team.
What if the Whole Child Visit does not find anything?
Good news! Just as you may sail through the Well Child Visit, there may not be any concerns revealed from Whole Child Visit. The Whole Child Visit establishes a baseline to reference back to at later stages of development.
How should I talk to my child about their visit?
Be honest! Aloft clinicians are here to help you identify and prepare for future stressors or discuss present concerns.
This program was awarded funding support from the IDN/Connections for Health.
For more information, watch Aloft's co-founder, Ben Hillyard, LCMHC, deliver a TedX Talk in Portsmouth, NH in 2019.